HOC Director Application Process Reopened

As our association continues to grow, the board recognizes a need for formal policies and procedures to be incorporated into our Bylaws and Handbook; many of which have not been written before. Last night, the board voted to move forward with a formal selection process for the Hockey Operations Committee (HOC). We are reopening the selection process for the HOC Director to align with this vote. If you are interested in the position, please complete the Google form by Sunday, July 18, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. 

All applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors (voting members) and candidates who meet the qualifications will be interviewed on July 22, 2022; 30 minute time slots will begin at 7:30 p.m. HOC Admin, Andy Johnson, will contact candidates to schedule structured interviews (same interviewing methods will be used to assess the candidates). The Board will discuss the qualified candidates and motion to move forward with a candidate as HOC Director. If there are no qualified candidates, the process will be reassessed.

Questions can be directed to Andy Johnson at hocadmin@stmayha.org

HOC Info from STMAYHA ByLaws: The Hockey Operations Committee (HOC) shall be responsible for the oversight and operations of certain technical and tactical aspects of the game of hockey for STMAYHA, including, but not limited to, the following: 

- Working with all levels of competition and age groups to provide educational coaching materials;
- Organizing coaching clinics;
- Providing a consistent skill development philosophy for STMAYHA;
- Other such programs and matters specifically authorized by the Board of Directors from time to time;
- Coaching recommendations and selection;
- Tryout plans for each season; and
- Team formations.